Chladni Plate - Normal Mode Analysis - Part 4/5 - Apply boundary conditions to Chladni plate



This tutorial shows how to analyze normal modes on Chladni plate using Simcenter 3D. This tutorial is divided into 5 parts: 1. Background of the Chladni plate 2. How to create Chladni Plate geometry and setup FEM and SIM files 3. Mesh and assign material properties to Chladni plate 4. Apply boundary conditions to Chladni plate 5. Run and postprocess the normal mode results


Please follow previous steps below:
Chladni Plate - Normal Mode Analysis - Part 2/5 - How to create Chladni Plate geometry and setup FEM and SIM files
Chladni Plate - Normal Mode Analysis - Part 3/5 - Mesh and assign material properties to Chladni plate

Part 4: Apply boundary conditions to Chladni plate

Step 12: Constrain the Center Node of the Plate
•Double click the Plate_sim1 part in the Simulation File View pane using the left mouse button
•Select User Defined Constraint from the Constraint Type drop-down menu in the Loads and Conditions group of the Home tab tool ribbon
•Set all DOF fields to Fixed, except DOF3, which should be Free
•Select the node at the center of the plate
•Click OK

Step 13: Setup the Eigenvalue Extraction Parameters

•Right-click on the Subcase – Eigenvalue Method 1 and select Edit
•Click on the Create Modelling Object… image.png    in the Lanczos Data row
•Set the Frequency Range -  Lower Limit to 0.1Hz
•Set the Number of Desired Modes to 40
•Click OK
Click OK
Please follow Chladni Plate - Normal Mode Analysis - Part 5 - Run and postprocess the normal mode results

KB Article ID# KB000053559_EN_US



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