Simcenter 3D Solutions
How to output results for poro-elastic materials in Vibro-acoustic analysis?
Simcenter NastranSimcenter 3D
Show users how to output Acoustic Pressure and Structural Displacement for poro-elastic materials.
Poro-elastic materials are only allowed in Vibro-acoustic analysis using FEM Adaptive Order (FEMAO) solver. Each node of poro-elastic material consists of 4 degrees of freedom, one for acoustic pressure, three for X, Y and Z structural displacements. Acoustic pressure can be recovered only on the microphone meshes and not on the acoustic meshes. If acoustic pressure on an acoustic mesh is desired, user can replicate the existing acoustic mesh and then change the element type of the mesh to microphone mesh. Make sure to enable output for Acoustic Pressure in Vibro-Acoustic Output Requests. On the other hand, structural displacements for a poro-elastic material can only be recovered on meshes of plotel types (e.g., PLOTTET(4), PLOTHEX(8)). Again, user can replicate the existing poro-elastic mesh and then change the element type of the mesh to PLOTTET(4) or PLOTHEX(8). Remember to enable output request for Displacement and then select Edit Mesh Associated Data for the Plotel mesh, check the option Poro-Elastic Visualization Mesh so that structural displacements can be displayed in the post-processing:
Also, the following dissipated powers for poro-elastic materials are automatically calculated and available to display from the Response Functions of the post-processing: