How to constrain the structural degrees of freedom of poro-elastic materials in Vibro-acoustic analysis?



Show you the workaround to constrain the structural degrees of freedom of poro-elastic materials.


User cannot define constraints on the poro-elastic materials directly.  A workaround is to define a dummy structural surface mesh (e.g., using option Surface Coat) on top of the poro-elastic nodes where user wishes to constrain.  Assign a very small thickness to the dummy surface mesh so that the effect of this mesh is negligible.  The surface mesh must be detached from the mesh for poro-elastic material (with coincident nodes at the interface) so that the structural surface mesh can be fully coupled to the poro-elastic mesh via the definition of Poro-Elastic Interface Modeling Parameters.  Define constraints on the degrees of freedom of the surface mesh so that the degrees of freedom of poro-elastic materials are also constrained indirectly via the defined coupling.


KB Article ID# KB000050239_EN_US



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