Linear Statics – Overhead Crane Analysis - Part 4 - Solve and Postprocess



This tutorial shows how to perform a linear static analysis using 2D shell elements on a simple overhead crane in Simcenter 3D. This tutorial is divided into 4 parts as follows: 1. Geometry Preparation 2. Mesh 3. Apply Loads and Boundary condition 4. Solve and Postprocess


This tutorial shows how to perform a linear static analysis using 2D shell elements on a simple overhead crane in Simcenter 3D.
The aim is to introduce the user to important basic concepts and the analysis methodology within Simcenter 3D.
Before starting this tutorial, it is worthwhile reading the Simcenter 3D Basics article that explains the various files types used in Simcenter 3D and broadly outlines the analysis methodology.

This tutorial is divided into 4 parts as follows:
1. Geometry Preparation
2. Mesh
3. Apply Loads and Boundary condition
4. Solve and Postprocess

Part - 4 - Solve and Postprocess

Step - 23 - Solve/Run the analysis
Left click on Solution 1 in the Simulation Navigator and select Solve
Click OK
Once the Analysis Job Monitor reports that the analysis has completed, click Cancel on that window and then close the Information window

Step - 24 - Examine the Displacement Results

Expand the Results item in the Simulation Navigator

Double click on the Structural Item
Expand the Structural item in the Post Processing Navigator and double click on Displacement – Nodal. The result displayed will be the displacement magnitude. Note that the deformation of the structure is exaggerated to facilitate visualization of the behavior

Step - 25 - Examine the Displacement Results

Step - 26 - Examine the Stress Results
Double click on Stress – Element-Nodal. The result displayed will be the von-Mises stress.


KB Article ID# KB000049959_EN_US



Associated Components