How to skip drafting ( or any other specific application) template while importing Simcenter 3D /NX templates in Team center



By default, all the application templates will get imported and this article will help the way to skip if any particular applications are not required.


By default, all the application templates will get imported and this article will help the way to skip if any applications are not required.
  1.  As a first step create a ASCII having kits to skip. For E.g refer snapshot below and here we created kits.txt file having the contents : drafting, routing and NXship.
  2. Then open Teamcenter command prompt
  3. Mention the path of tcin_template_setup.bat ( available under UGII\templates\sample in  NX installed directory).
  4. In addition to -u and -p add the other argument -s with the file location created in the first step.
  5. You can confirm that kits mentioned ASCII will get skipped during the import.
Refer the image below shows the clear view about ASCII file and also calling file with -s


KB Article ID# KB000049906_EN_US



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