Simcenter Prescan Setting up different weather condition in Prescan

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The different weather model in Prescan that one can set are rain, snow, and fog. Below section describes settings to achieve that.


The different weather model in Prescan that one can set are rain, snow, and fog. Below section describes settings to achieve that.

Build the experiment with necessary actors and infrastructure for the scene. Navigate to experiment tab and select the weather settings.


Rain setting
Under tree structure select the weather tab and select the rain, to define the parameters.
Rain can be defined with different intensity under favorites and with a certain diameter falling at a certain velocity.

Once selected necessary configuration, build the experiment, and can confirm the settings by looking in the 3D viewer. Below are some examples of rain settings.

Snow setting:
Under tree structure select the weather tab and select the snow, to define the parameters.
Snow can be modelled with white particle falling at a certain velocity and with different intensity.

Fog settings:

The Prescan fog model is based on the visibility color of the fog. the fog parameters that the user can adapt in the Fog Settings menu and user is free to create his own favorites. When the Use Sky Color is enabled, the fog color is determined by the Sky and Sun settings

Once selected necessary configuration, build the experiment, and can confirm the settings by looking in the 3D viewer. Below are some examples of fog settings.


KB Article ID# KB000049784_EN_US



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