Simcenter Prescan How to run Sumo with Prescan 2022.1 for Traffic simulation

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The SUMO plugin is a tool that enables co-simulation and data transfer between the Prescan software and the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) software. This makes it possible to have traffic on a road network in a Prescan simulation that is generated by SUMO.


Step1: First installation of sumo

Sumo installation is free and there is no cost for license, it can be easily downloaded from its website . Once downloaded, install it to your preferred folder in your computer.

Step2: Setting up Sumo installation path in Prescan

Configuring the Sumo plugin setting needs to be done in Prescan via, plugins>plugins preference and then navigate to navigate to general plugin settings and provide the installed directory for sumo.


Step 3: Creating Sumo experiment with Opendrive file in Prescan

Create a new experiment and then navigate go to file>import>Opendrive Network. Once imported you would need to navigate to plugins>Sumo(version number)>generate road network and routes in Sumo.

Step4: Configuring Sumo plugins setting
Click the checkbox Run SUMO during simulation to enable the plugin during the Simulink run. And then select the ego Vehicle from drop down menu. The ego vehicle can be any actor created in the experiment by the user


Step5: Run the experiment

Build the experiment and run the experiment from Simulink to see the traffic flow as shown below


KB Article ID# KB000049782_EN_US



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