The user may want to evaluate key values like max/min value or average value for a given plot. This can easily be done with the Evaluate Function command found by right-clicking on the empty space in the desired plot.
Once a result is plotted, the user may want to view key values associated with the curve including maximum and minimum values, average value, value range, RMS, RSS, or integration value. These values are not easily defined using Function Plot methods like Curve Operation or Single Math. Solution: These single values from a plot can be viewed by right-clicking in the empty plot area and choosing the Evaluate Function command:
This will open the Evaluate Function dialog box which contains a list of values that can be calculated from the curve. Check on any number of the values in order to include them in the plot window.
Hit the OK button to apply the changes. A new legend will appear that contains the calculated values. If the reported values occur at a specific X value (like max and min values), then the corresponding X value will appear next to the Y value in parentheses. This legend can then be easily removed by opening the Evaluate Function dialog again and choosing the Deselect All option.