Tyre Simulation workflow in Simcenter 3D with Structural mesh rotation to align Contact Patch



In Simcenter 3D, the contact patch of the tyre with the road is required to be aligned with one of principal axis while setting up model for vibro-acoustic simulation. Prior non linear transient simulation results are read into Simcenter 3D and if contact patch is misaligned with principal axis, then the procedure outlined in this article is required to be followed before solution.


Tyre Simulation workflow in Simcenter 3D with Structural mesh rotation to align Contact Patch MESH IMPORT and PREPARATION: ----------------------------------------- 1. Import Abaqus mesh in Simcenter 3D 2. Create a FEM file with Abaqus mesh 3. Change FEM environment to Nastran Vibro-acoustic environment 4. Use Surface coat (to create a shell mesh only on the surface of the tyre) 5. Convert all elements into Plotels (here you can disable the 3D elements and stay only with the shell elements created in the previous step to reduce the amount of data) -> Here you can do a Save as to create two FEM file (one for structural and one for acoustics) STRUCTUTAL MESH PREPARATION: ----------------------------------------- 1. Refine the structural side mesh (Remesh command) The result of these operations will be used as TARGET mesh for the mapping operation LOAD PREPARATION: -------------------------- 1. Import Abaqus results file to MLPP 2. Make a copy of Abaqus to sc_h5 (MLPP) 3. Do rotation mapping; source: coat of the Abaqus mesh, target: refined structural mesh. Check the results to make sure the mapping worked. 4. FFT Operation 5. Go back to the structural mesh in FEM and rotate it to align the patch with the ground (use below procedure to rotate mesh accurately) (alternative step) Plot displacement contours at time = 0 sec and create field. Use this field to rotate the refined mesh with Translate Node command by selecting Field option. This step 5 is after FFT operation. 5.1 Load the rotated mesh in the post-processing scenario tab and check the results by plotting FFT contours. The contact patch should be seen as touching to the ground surface (i.e. Infinite plane created while generating 3D acoustic mesh) ACOUSTIC MESH PREPARATION: ------------------------------------------ NOTE: better if you do this in a separate FEM only for the fluid and then create an AFEM (STRUCTURAL FEM + ACOUTSIC FEM) 1. Use Point set mesh to create microphone points at specified locations (make sure that the node label do not exceed 8 characters) 2. Create a convex mesh with infinite plane (typically at XY plane) 3. Use solid from shell to create a 3D fluid mesh around the tire - here you don t need to use the refined mesh, you can use the original one from Abaqus - note that sometimes the seed mesh coming from Abaqus may require some stitching to create a completely closed mesh around the tire Clean the FEM file(s) for the vibro-acoustic solution, you only need to export to the solver the structural mesh where vibrations will be applied (PLOTEL) and the fluid and microphone meshes. SOLUTION SETUP ------------------------------ 1. Return to the Sim and create a load-recipe from the FFT results 2. Create a new solution from the load-recipe and do a weakly-coupled vibro-acoustic analysis.
Mesh Considerations
Refine the structural side mesh (Remesh command), this mesh will be used as TARGET mesh for the mapping operation

It is required to load the rotated mesh in the post-processing scenario tab and then check the results by plotting FFT contours. The contact patch should be seen as touching to the ground surface (i.e. Infinite plane created while generating 3D acoustic mesh)

KB Article ID# KB000049599_EN_US



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