For example, refer the snapshot below , a model having many holes and all holes having two layered mesh a around holes which was created using mapped hole mesh control.
Lets create all those elements in a single group using smart selector with the following steps.
1) Create a new group
2) In objects ,select a smart selector to circular edge and specify
3) In Smart Selector Methods, select circular edges
4) Now specify Min and Max radius and select all polygon bodies with box selection.
5) You could confirm that all holes circular edges were listed in output column as below.
6) Now drop down and select "Related elements"
7) Confirm now related elements to those circular edges were available in output. It means first layered element around those holes.
8) This model is having two layers around bolt hole as shown below,
hence , we can use one more smart selector of "attached elements"
and number of iterations accordingly (here 1)
you could confirm now, second layered also got below.
9) Now make the display of that group as "Show only" and confirm only two layered ( in this example ) elements which are around all holes are well visible.