In this article the manual installation of RLM on Windows is described, if any issues occur during the automatic installation.
Probably you have encountered issues with installing RLM server on your Windows machine receiving the following error message:
You can resolve this issue by manually installing the RLM server. For this purpose, you need to execute the following steps:
On the machine, create the “C:\ProgramData\LMS\licensing” directory (be careful, “ProgramData” is probably a hidden folder).
Copy your license file into this directory.
On the Amesim installation dvd1, go to the “data\LicensingTools” directory.
Take the full set of files and folders, copy and paste them into the “C:\Program Files (x86)\LMS\RLM” directory (create that folder if it does not exist).
Open a command prompt as administrator and execute the following three commands:
cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\LMS\RLM”
.\rlm -dlog +C:\ProgramData\LMS\licensing\dlog.log -c C:\ProgramData\LMS\licensing -x -install_service
net start rlm
This should create the service as required.
If Amesim starts successfully, we recommend you to reboot once your machine to check if the RLM service starts automatically on machine startup, and if Amesim can be started as well.