Custom analysis - Fatigue analysis template



You can now create a custom analysis template from an existing configuration of a selected analysis template, which you can use for creating or editing specialist durability solutions and local definitions. You can create or modify simulation objects in the selected analysis template and store them with the analysis template in an XML database that is defined in the user parameter libraries.


What is it?

You can now create a custom analysis template from an existing configuration of a selected analysis template, which you can use for creating or editing specialist durability solutions and local definitions. You can create or modify simulation objects in the selected analysis template and store them with the analysis template in an XML database that is defined in the user parameter libraries. 

Where do I find it?

Creating custom analysis templates
PrerequisitesA Simulation file as the work part and displayed part
Command FinderDurability Solution  or Local Definition 
Simulation NavigatorRight-click a specialist durability solution process or a local definition node→Edit
Location in dialog boxSpecialist Durability Solution or Specialist Durability Local Definition dialog box→Analysis Setup group→Create Analysis Template from Current Configuration 
Exporting custom analysis templates
PrerequisitesA Simulation file as the work part and displayed part
Command FinderDurability Solution  or Local Definition 
Simulation NavigatorRight-click a specialist durability solution process or a local definition node→Edit
Location in dialog boxSpecialist Durability Solution or Specialist Durability Local Definition dialog box→Analysis Setup group→Export Analysis Template to a Library 

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For more information -

KB Article ID# KB000049048_EN_US



Associated Components