Usage 'pexconv.exe [-forceDefaultPB -pb1 <spc, rgh, ao> -pb2 <mtl, cca, ccr> -o <orientation> -s <scale> -t <X,Y,Z> -optimize <DEFAULT/NONE/TRISTRIP> -out <outfile> -noimages] infile' or : 'pexconv.exe [options] infile outfile'. File <infile> should contain a valid 3D model. With the '-forceDefaultPB' option default values will be used rather than textures for pb1 and pb2. With the '-pb1' option to set a default value between 0 to 1.0 for specular, roughness and ambient occlusion. With the '-pb2' option to set a default value between 0 to 1.0 for metallic, clearcoat and clearcoat roughness. With the '-o' option an additional rotation around the Z-axis can be defined. With the '-s' option a uniform scaling factor can be defined. With the '-t' option a translation vector can be defined. With the '-optimize' option the optimization level can be specified, if not set, optimization will be done according to the 'OSG_OPTIMIZER' environment variable. With the '-out' option you can specifify the 3D model to be generated. Specifying the '-noimages' option will suppress the creation of the views. Specifying the '-noambientfix' option will suppress adding a minimum ambient color from diffuse Specifying the '-nonormalmaps' option will suppress adding the normal map (if found) Specifying the '-applyscaletosubnodes' option will transform translations and drawables instead of a root scaling matrix.
With the '-dimensions' option you can specify an output file to store the model dimensions.
This tool will create the 'Top', 'Side', 'Icon' and 'Iso' views of the model <filename>, these views will be stored in the subdirectory 'Images'; in the subdirectory 'Models\Visual' the 3D model will be stored as an 'osgb' file.
How to import Generic Models in Prescan to work with PBS (physics based sensors), Prescan Viewer and Prescan UnrealViewer. Search for a KBA called: How to import Generic Models in Prescan