Simcenter Testlab: Segments and Windows




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Simcenter Testlab Time Data Selection: Segments and Windows

This article covers the usage of the Simcenter Testlab Time Data Selection.  Viewing data and selecting a portion of time data for processing are covered.
1.    Getting Started
2.    Overview versus Detailed
3.    Detailed Controls
4.    Segment versus Window
   4.1 Graphical Segment Definition
   4.2 Reset Segment
   4.3 Align Detailed Window and Segment
5.    Lock Segment for Processing
6.    Segment versus General Tool

1. Getting Started

The Time Data Selection feature of Simcenter Testlab is activated by selecting “Time Data Selection” under “Tools -> Add-ins” from the main menu (Figure 1).
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Figure 1: Time Data Selection is activated under “Tools -> Add-ins”
A new workbook called “Time Data Selection” is added to the available workbooks at the bottom of the application as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2: After activation, the “Time Data Selection” appears as a new workbook.  With time data in the input basket, click on the “Add” or “Replace” button makes the time data appear.
Time data can be viewed using the "Time Data Selection" workbook.

If time data has been added to the input basket, clicking on the “Add” or “Replace” button will make it available for viewing:
  • Add: If time data had been previously selected for viewing, the “Add” button makes the new data available for processing in addition to the previous data. 
  • Replace: If the “Replace” button is used, any time data previously available is removed, and only the new data in the input basket is available.

2. Overview versus Detailed

Time data can be selected for viewing by clicking on the checkbox under the "View" column on the left side of the screen as shown in Figure 3.
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Figure 3: After clicking on the checkbox on the left side, the data is shown on the right.

After clicking on the data for viewing (left side of screen), it is shown in both the Overview section and Detailed section (right side of screen):
  • Overview: Entire time trace is shown
  • Detailed: A sub-section of the time trace is shown, as defined by the blue area shown in the Overview

The Overview and Detailed sections are shown below in Figure 4.
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Figure 4: The Overview (top) shows the entire time trace, and the Detailed (bottom) shows the blue area from the Overview.  The time data (from blue area) shown in the Detailed is defined by the controls at the bottom.

The Overview area always shows the entire time trace, while the detailed view shows a portion of the overview that is equivalent to the light blue area shown in the Overview.  Both the Overview and Detailed views can be made visible/not visible using the checkboxes to the left of their names.

3. Detailed Controls

There are controls below the detailed area for changing the amount of time data being viewed as shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5: The blue slider bar below the detailed window can be moved to scroll through the time history.  The ends of the slider bar can be used to zoom in and out of the time data.
The blue slider bar:
  • Scrolls through the time data when clicked and dragged at the center.
  • Zooms in and out by dragging the ends of the bar.
There are control buttons as well as shown in Figure 6.
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Figure 6: In the controls of the detailed window, the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons are used to zoom in and out of the time data.
The ‘+’ and ‘-‘ buttons are used to zoom in and out of the time data. Clicking on the ‘+’ doubles the amount of time data shown, while clicking on the ‘-‘ halves the amount of data shown.

4. Window versus Segment

In Time Data Selection, not only the detailed window can be defined, but a segment can also be used to define a time region for data post processing as shown in Figure 7.
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Figure 7: A segment (black area, top graph) is used to define a time region for post processing.  The window (light blue area, top graph) defines what is shown in the detailed area (bottom graph).
A segment is defined by clicking and dragging (left to right) in either the overview or detailed area.  

4.1 Graphical Segment Definition

An example of how the segment shows after clicking and dragging is shown in Figure 8.
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Figure 8: To define a time segment for post processing, click and drag from left to right in the display.
A segment is defined by graphically dragging from left to right in the display.  It can also be manually entered by typing values in the Segment from and to fields above the display area.

4.2 Reset Segment

To reset the segment selection, click on the black area of the segment in the display while holding down the Control key as shown in Figure 9.

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Figure 9: Click on the segment once while holding down the Control (CTRL) key to reset the segment.

Now a new segment can be defined by dragging the mouse again.  Only one segment can be defined at a time, multiple segments are not allowed.

4.3 Align Detailed Window and Segment

The segment and detailed window can be made the same by clicking on the appropriate control button as shown in Figure 10:
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Figure 10: By clicking on the appropriate control button, the detailed window view becomes aligned to the segment.

This makes the detailed window view the same as the currently defined segment.

5. Lock Segment for Processing

After dragging over the desired time range, it can be locked for processing as shown in Figure 11.
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Figure 11: Click on the “Use Segment for Processing” button to lock in the segment duration.
It is a two-step process:
  • Highlight the time history in the list on the right side.
  • Press the “Use segment for processing” button
After pressing the button, the Processing Segment should reflect the highlighted segment. Applications like Signature Throughput Processing will only process data from this time range. See the knowledge article "Simcenter Testlab Throughput Processing Tips" for more information.

The segment can also be cut from the current time history and stored into a new file.  For more information, see the knowledge article: "Time Data Selection: Saving a Segment".

6. Segment versus General Tool

By default, the displays in the Time Data Selection worksheet do not function like other displays in Simcenter Testlab.  The displays are set up for segment definition.

To enable the “normal” features of the displays, like cursor menus, right click on the display and choose “Tool -> General” rather that “Tools -> Segment” as shown in Figure 12
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Figure 12: Right click to switch from “Segment” to “General”.

KB Article ID# KB000047245_EN_US



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