How to use an USB Remote Control for measuring with Simcenter Testlab



With an USB Remote Control SCx-RC01 you are able to control some actions in Testlab. The function depends on the Testlab dialog or the used workbook.


Installation and Configuration :
1. Connect the Remote Control unit to an USB port of your PC
2. Activate the ‘Remote Control’ Add-in from the “Tools→Add-ins…” menu
The USB Remote Control has 4 buttons:
Button 1: Yellow 
Button 2: Green
Button 3: Red
Button 4: Grey

Signature Testing : The following actions are linked to each of the four buttons of the Remote Control unit
in the Measure Sheet in the Signature Testing workbook  (‘F8 - Measure’ tab).
Important: Testlab has to be the active Window on your PC to receive the Remote Control actions.
Tip: Select "More..." and choose "automatically accept measurement" to be prepared for the next measurement and save the measurement automatically . 
  • Button 1: Start or arm acquisition
  • Button 2: Stop or break the acquisition
  • Button 3: Save the measurement
  • Button 4: Switch to the ‘F3 – Range’ tab
Signature F8
In the auto-accept dialog
  • Button 1: Accept (Yes)
  • Button 2: Reject (No)
Signature YesNo.png
 In the Measure Sheet (in the ‘F3 – Range” tab):
  • Button 1: Start the autoranging
  • Button 2: Hold level
  • Button 3: Set Ranges
  • Button 4: Switch to the ‘F8 – Measure’ tab
Signature F3.png

Spectral Testing
Activate the ‘Structural Remote Control’ Add-in from the “Tools→Add-ins…” menu
Tip: Check "Confirm Save Run" to save or reject a measurement manually.


Button 1: (Yellow)
  • Starts data acquisition
  • Stops measurement
  • Yes, when prompted to save data
Button 2 (Green)
  • Yes, when prompted to save data
Button 3 (Red)
  • No, when prompted to save data
Structural Yes-No
Button 4 (Grey)
  • Switches to Scope
  • Once in Scope Button 1 (Yellow) starts and stops ranging, then sets the new range

Impact Testing

Activate the ‘Structural Remote Control’ Add-in from the “Tools→Add-ins…” menu

 Button 1(Yellow)
  • Start acquisition
  • Stop acquisition
Button 4 (Grey)
  • Switches to Scope
  • Once in Scope Button 1 (Yellow) starts and stops ranging, then sets the new range



Related Links  

KB Article ID# KB000047109_EN_US



Associated Components