----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USAGE 1) Download the attached file 'PrescanViewerCaptureFunctionality.zip'
2) Open the Simulink file 'replayBlock.slx'
3) Place the Simulink block 'captureVideoPrescanViewer_sfun' in the model you want to record
4) Set the captureVideoPrescanViewer_sfun.m file in the MATLAB path or place it in the experiment folder.
5) Set the sendKeys.bat in the MATLAB path or place it in the experiment folder.
6) Run the simulation. After the simulation stops you will find the recorded video in the ‘ViewerCapture’ folder.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPTURE REAL-TIME In order to record a video which replays real-time, do the following: 1)Set the Simulation time scale to 1 in the Prescan GUI