Simcenter Testlab Impact Testing: How to retain the instantaneous FRF in the user defined layout.



This knowledge article will illustrate the functionality in Impact Testing on, how to retain the instantaneous FRFs in the user defined layout when browsing through the measurement points.


If you are interested in comparing the instantaneous and averaged FRFs between individual impacts in the user defined layout, then you have to make the following settings.

(This article will not show how to measure Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) in Impact Testing. For that, refer to the article “Simcenter Testlab Impact Testing” in the related links at the end of this article.)

After a single impact, the Instantaneous FRF and Averaged FRF are not identical (Figure 1). The Instantaneous FRF is shown in blue and the Averaged FRF is shown in green.

Figure 1: Non-Identical Instantaneous (blue) and Averaged (green) FRFs
For quick browsing through the measurement points, it is necessary to activate the “curve scrolling” function in the user defined layout window (Figure 2).
Figure 2: curve scrolling

If you now switch through the curves (measurement points), the inst. curve disappears and is replaced by the avg. curve. A comparison is therefore not possible (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Inst. curve gets replaced by avg. curve

The solution is the activation of the “Restrict to containing folder” in the advanced settings of the curve scrolling function in the user defined layout à view data button (Figure 4).
Figure4.pngFigure 4: Activating “Restrict to containing folder”

Now it is possible to click between the Points (Point 3 and Point 5) and the corresponding curves are retained (Figure 5)

Figure 5: Comparison between Instantaneous- and Averaged FRFs

If you have Questions, contact your local Support Engineer or open a ticket on the Simcenter Support Portal.

For further functionalities in Testlab Structures please check the related Links:



KB Article ID# KB000045902_EN_US



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