Simcenter STAR-CCM+ Scalar warp direction values differ between serial and parallel

Simcenter STAR-CCM+


The same plot of direction values using the scalar warp showed small differences when compared between a serial and a parallel server.


Defect Publication Date: 2021-Mar-24
Defect Last Update Date: 2021-Apr-09
Version Discovered In : STAR-CCM+ 13.06A
Version Fixed In : STAR-CCM+ To Be Confirmed

The normals of a sphere section were plotted on an XY plot. The same plot was viewed on a serial server and a parallel server and the results were identical. When the same input is used for a scalar warp surface, however, and the direction normals of the scalar warp surface are plotted in a similar manner, there are small quantitative differences between the values observed on the serial server and those observed on the parallel server.

These differences could result in slight discrepancies in report values between serial and parallel, or in visualization.

KB Article ID# KB000045803_EN_US



Associated Components

Simcenter STAR-CCM+