How to change legend of a plot in Simcenter Amesim?



This article shows how to customize legend of a plot to include or exclude information of a variable.


In Simcenter Amesim, plot legend style can be managed by accessing “Post Processing” option from Toolsà Preferences:

In the Post processing tab, if you click on Titles, then you can edit legend:

For example, if the plot legend is displayed as follows without submodel instance:

Then you can switch ON “Submodel-instance” in in the “titles” menu:

This will also add name of the corresponding submodel to the plot. In addition, if you also want to see component alias then you can also switch it ON. Then the final plot should look like where “Elevator_Mass” is the alias of corresponding Simcenter Amesim component:

You can also expand “Result sets” for further options so that you can use xml-like tags to display information about the result sets.

KB Article ID# KB000045579_EN_US



Associated Components