Licensing information for Madymo, Prescan tool and guide to installation of SPLM license server



The license system has changed as of Prescan 2020.2 and Madymo 2020.1 to UGS vendor from MADLIC, so during the renewal of license, the system information shared for generating the annual license has been changed for SPLM license (ugs vendor). Follow the below information for generating annual license for SPLM license


Obtaining your annual License file for SPLM license
  • To receive the annual license file that is Compatible  with newer version, you will need to create a WebKey Account and register the Composite Host ID of your Server.  The composite host ID (CID) is a unique machine identifier used for common licensing. It is obtained by running the supplied utility called: ugs_composite.exe. This utility can be downloaded using your WebKey account via this link.
  • The UGS composite utility can also be accessed via installed directory of the tool, for Prescan C:\Program Files\Simcenter Prescan\Prescan_2020.4\Licensing\utilities\win64 and for Madymo C:\Program Files\Madymo\madymo_20202\em64t-win\bin


Once executed above getcid program, share the composite ID  to customer account analysis (CAA) listed in the temporary license file. 

Installation of SPLM license server (UGS vendor)

Step1: Download and install the executable files of software.
Step2: After installation software, run the SPLMLicenseServer_v11.0.0_win_setup, which can be found in the installation directory

 Madymo - C:\Program Files\Madymo\madymo_20202\em64t-win\bin
Prescan - C:\Program Files\Simcenter Prescan\Prescan_2020.4\Licensing\server_installations\windows

Step3: Provide the installation directory for SPLM license server

Step4: Attach the license file provided by siemens

Step 6: Launch the tool once the installation completes

Possible error message meaning during/after installation:
  1. Cannot Connect to license server, error code: -15.
  1. Possible reason could be SPLM license server not installed or license server not started
  1. Suggest starting the license server Via service>Siemens plm license server>restart
  2. Suggest checking the system variable from environment variable and check if there is one created, if not create;
 variable value:  28000@localhost
Note: Please verify Port number from license file and if connecting local computer to server computer the localhost has be replaced by your server computer name.
  1. If receiving error during SPLM installation with error message “A problem has occurred while starting siemens PLM license server.
  1. Possible reason could be wrong Host ID/Host name in your license file, although your installation of SPLM license server should still be completed. Please verify your system information in the server line in the license file with the information provided.

KB Article ID# KB000045527_EN_US



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