installing licenses for PreScan 2020.1 and prior with Madlic license
This article describes the process of installing licenses for PreScan 2020.1 and prior with Madlic license.
After installation of PreScan the following steps are needed to install the license:
You will receive a license, which is mostly in text format. The licensing tool requires a .lic file. You can just change the.txt in .lic.
After this you need to use the Tool called “LM Tools” to install the license. You will find it in the following path, when you installed PreScan in the C:/ drive: C:\Program Files\Simcenter Prescan\Prescan_2020.1\bin.
Search and start the LM tools exe file, which is shown in the following pictures.
This should be the configuration in this first tab. If you have several licenses you will have more than one service. In this case we have two “Prescan” and “Siemens PLM License Server”.
The main and important step is related to the tab “Config services”. See below. You need to choose the service you need to change or install. Following configuration is needed. The two boxes below must be checked. Next is to choose the paths to the lmgrd.exe, license and log file. The lmgrd.exe you will find in the same bin folder in which you found “LM tools”. For the log file you can just create a text file with .log ending. After this step you need to save the service.
The last step is to restart your machine or check if the service you created is started in the Windows “service” console. If not start or restart it.
Note: If you next time renew the license, you only need to replace the license path to the new license.