How do I deal with different versions of Simcenter Amesim on a single machine (Windows)?
Note: This procedure is intended for computer administrators or advanced Windows users.
Installing two or more versions of Simcenter Amesim can bring some errors due to environment variable conflicts. In order to avoid this problem, each version of the software must be launched through a batch file which define the correct environment for the corresponding version. A typical example would be: @echo off setlocal call “%AME%\vcvars32.bat” set AME=C:\AMESim\vM SET PATH=%AME%;%AME%\win32;%AME%\win64;%AME%\sys\mingw32\bin;%AME%\sys\python\win32;%AM E%\sys\mpich\mpd\bin;%PATH% start "Simcenter Amesim" "%AME%\win64\AMESim.exe" endlocal
A batch file template is supplied in the misc sub-directory of the Simcenter Amesim installation directory. There are batch files for each application:
Simcenter Amesim: RunAMESimTemplate.bat
Simcenter Amesim Run: RunAMERunTemplate.bat
Submodel Editor: RunAMESetTemplate.bat
Component Customization: RunAMECustomTemplate.bat
The template file must be edited with a text editor at the indicated lines. For example, to launch Simcenter Amesim v2019.1, the line: set AME=C:\AMESim\vM must be edited as below (depending on your installation location): set AME=C:\Program Files\Simcenter\v2019.1\Amesim
After adjusting and saving the default .bat file in a known directory (like on the desktop), simply launch it to start the appropriate application in the corresponding version.
Note: Old and new models must be saved in distinct directories (e. g. C:\AMETest\vXX for VXX models, and C:\AMETest\vYY for vYY models).
Note: If a model from an old version is opened and saved with the new version, it can no longer be opened with the older version, since it is converted to the new format.