Simcenter Anovis Support FAQs




Simcenter Anovis: Support Frequency Asked Questions (FAQs) 

This document contains frequently asked questions from usage of the Simcenter Anovis Industrial Quality Tool.

1. What is the proper IP address for Simcenter Anovis hardware?
2. What is the file extension of data measured by Simcenter Anovis?
3. How to change the language of Simcenter Anovis?
4. How to change the trace level in the Signal Processing ANOVIS.2?
5. How to configure ANOVIS if no ANOVIS hardware is present?
6. How to find the trigger flowlet with the Trigger ID?
7. How to find the feature flowlet by the Feature ID?

1. What is the proper IP address for Simcenter Anovis hardware?

The default address for Simcenter Anovis hardware is

To set this in windows, right click on the network connection and pick "Properties":
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Choose "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IP)" and then "Properties":
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Select “Use the following IP address”. Set the IP address to and set the subnet mask to
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2.  What is the file extension of data measured by Simcenter Anovis?

Measured time data from Simcenter Anovis have a *.asd file extension.  

If desired, these files can be exported to other systems using the "ATFX Export" tool from the Windows start menu:
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The *.atfx file format is an open data format maintained by the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems (ASAM) organization. The Open Data Services (ODS) standard governs the *.atfx structure.

Some information on exporting ASD to ATFX files: Simcenter Anovis: Export to ATFX File Format.

3. How to change the language of Simcenter Anovis?

The language of all ANOVIS applications can be defined in the application “Signal Processing ANOVIS.2”. A modified language setting is applied upon restart of ANOVIS applications.

First open up Signal Processing ANOVIS.2:
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Then open "Testbench Configuration" under the "Options" menu:
  • English: Menu “Options” → “Testbench Configuration...”
  • German: Menu “Optionen” → “Prüfstandskonfiguration...”
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Then select the language and save the settings:
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Exit and restart all ANOVIS applications to activate the changes.

4. How to change the trace level in the Signal Processing ANOVIS.2?

Problem: The SYSLOG file is showing too little or too much information.

Solution: The trace level of the application Signal Processing ANOVIS.2 can be adjusted to decrease or increase the SYSLOG file verbosity.

The recommended trace level of the application Signal Processing ANOVIS.2 is 280:
  • A value lower than 280 means more detailed tracing, but maybe the timing is influenced significantly!
  • A value greater than 280 means less tracing, but maybe some important status information (e.g. about setup loading) will not be logged anymore!
To change, under "Options", select the settings menu:
  • English: Menu “Options” → “Extras” → “Extended Settings...”
  • German: Menu “Optionen” → “Extras” → “Erweiterte Einstellungen...”
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Then adjust the trace levels and save:
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5. How to configure ANOVIS if no ANOVIS hardware is present?

Problem: SPUFAILED state if loading a measurement setup in application “Signal Processing ANOVIS.2” without connected hardware.
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Solution: Disable SPU assignment in Testbench Configuration

Go to the Signal Processing Menu:
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Then choose “Options” → “Testbench Configuration...” and activate the checkbox "SPU Assignment Ignore (always OFFLINE)":
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Press the "Save" button when finished.

6. How to find the trigger flowlet with the Trigger ID?

In ANOVIS measurement setups you can configure “software triggers” to start and stop some analysis or feature calculation.

The triggers are defined within trigger flowlets.

In very complex measurement setups it is sometimes hard to find the trigger flowlet for a specific trigger if you are not familiar with the measurement setup.

Here is an easy way of how to find the corresponding trigger flowlet:

Note: This functionality is available for ANOVIS versions >= 1.133.

Step 1: Go to menu “Save current trigger configuration to file…”
  • Signal Processing ANOVIS.2: Menu “Measurement Setup” → “Extended setup actions” → “Save current trigger configuration to file…”
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  • Analyser ANOVIS.2: Menu “File” → “Setup” → “Save current trigger configuration to file…”
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Step 2: Select file name to save as CSV file
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  • Enter the file name and press the Save button.

Step 3: Information about trigger export to CSV file.
  • Click YES to open CSV file by default application (Notepad or Excel or …).
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  • File is opened with Notepad if NO CSV application like Microsoft Excel is installed:
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  • File content if Microsoft Excel is installed:
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7. How to find the feature flowlet by the Feature ID?

In the ANOVIS measurement setups you can configure feature calculations (e.g.order level values or simple signal characteristics as crest factor or effective value…). The features are defined in feature flowlets (e.g. LevelRatio, TimeSignalAnalysis…).

In very complex measurement setups it is sometimes hard to find the feature flowlet for a specific feature if you are not familiar with the measurement setup. Here is an easy way of how to find the corresponding feature flowlet:

Note: This functionality is available for ANOVIS versions >= 1.133.

Step 1: Go to menu “Export limits of current features to file…”
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  • Analyser ANOVIS.2: Menu “File” → “Setup” → “Export limits of current features to file…”
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Step 2: Select file name to save as CSV file:
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Step 3: Information about feature export to CSV file.
  • Click YES to open CSV file by default application (Notepad or Excel or …).
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Step 4a: File is opened with Notepad if NO CSV application as Microsoft Excel is installed.
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Step 4b: File content if Microsoft Excel is installed.
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Questions?  Email (Americas) or (Europe and Asia).

Related Links:

KB Article ID# KB000044606_EN_US



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