What’s in the box? Getting Started with Simcenter SCADAS




Direct YouTube link: https://youtu.be/XVq4m2vYNvg

This article discusses the contents of a Simcenter SCADAS Mobile or SCADAS Recorder hardware from its original packaging. Basic information about the functionality and setup of the SCADAS is covered.

This article contains the following sections:
1. Unpacking the Box
2. SCADAS Frame
3. SYSCON Card
4. Acquisition Cards
    4.1 VB8III-RT Acquisition Card
    4.2 V24 Acquisition Card
    4.3 V8 Acquisition Card
5. Grounding Cable
6. Power Cable
7. Connecting Simcenter Testlab and Simcenter SCADAS
8. Troubleshooting: IP Address
9. Troubleshooting: SCADAS Diagnostics

The examples in this article use a Simcenter SCADAS frontend equipped with a SYSCON 4 recorder input card, as well as V8E, V24, and VB8III-RT input cards, and the accompanying cables.

1. Unpacking the Box

Here’s what an opened Simcenter SCADAS box delivered from the factory looks like (Figure 1):

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Figure 1: Simcenter SCADAS Hardware open shipment box.

The box contains holding elements for the Simcenter SCADAS, and additional accessory boxes.

The accessories box is on top, and contains the cables for the cards ordered, power cables, grounding strap, etc (Figure 2).

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Figure 2: Simcenter SCADAS Cable Accessory box.

Underneath the accessories will be a box with the Simcenter SCADAS frontend (Figure 3).

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Figure 3: Simcenter SCADAS frame is in box, wrapped in plastic.

The frontend will be wrapped in plastic and will look similar to below (Figure 4):

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Figure 4: Simcenter SCADAS frame and Cards wrapped in plastic.

Unwrap the Simcenter SCADAS unit to get started.

2. SCADAS Frame

This example unit is a five-slot frame, which means it has room for a SYSCON controller card as well as five other input cards is shown below (Figure 5).

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Figure 5: A Simcenter SCADAS Recorder five slot frame with three acquisition cards, SYSCON controller, and power supply.
In general, there are Simcenter SCADAS frames with different amounts of input cards available (Figure 6).
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Figure 6: Simcenter SCADAS Frame Options
For example, one slot SCADAS frames have a SYSCON card and an input card. Two slot frames have a SYSCON card and two other input cards and so on.

Every SCADAS frontend will have a battery and charging module. There are two types of these:
  • SPM50 is used in 1, 2, 5, and 6 slot frames and has a 50 Watt power supply.
  • SPM80 is used in 7, 9, and 10 slot frames and has an 80 Watt power supply.
Since this example frame is a five slot frame, it has an SPM 50 power supply shown below (Figure 7):
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Figure 7: Location of the Simcenter SCADAS power supply module.
Note that this frame shows an empty slot (lower left). In practice, it is not advisable to do this due to dirt and debris buildup that can damage the card or frame. A blank face plate should be applied (example lower middle).

Simcenter SCADAS frontends can also be ordered with Connection cards.  These are used to connect multiple SCADAS units together.  If equipped, the connector card is located in the upper right (Figure 8).
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Figure 8: Simcenter SCADAS two slot frontend with connection card in the upper right.

There are Next and Previous ports on the card which utilize fiberoptic connectors to connect SCADAS units together.

For a complete list of Simcenter SCADAS frames, see the article: “SCADAS Mobile and SCADAS Recorders”.

3. SYSCON Card

Every standard SCADAS frontend will have a variation of a SYSCON card. This card is used for communication with the computer (over ethernet) and Simcenter Testlab. It is standard on all SCADAS frames except for slave systems.

For example, the SYSCON4 card includes two tachometer channels, two source channels, an ethernet port, and a connector for CAN-bus communication (Figure 9).
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Figure 9: SCADAS SYSCON4 controller card contains (left to right): two tachometer inputs (labelled T1 and T2), two source outputs (label OUT), CAN-Bus (label CAN), Ethernet.
In addition to the previously mentioned inputs, a SCADAS Recorder SYSCON 4 will also have an input for a GPS antenna, a Wi-Fi connector, and a Compact Flash (CF) card slot (Figure 10).
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Figure 10: SCADAS Recorder SYSCON controller card also contains: compact flash (left), Wi-Fi (upper right), and GPS inputs (lower right).
These features are included:
The picture is of a SYSCON 4 (4th generation) SCADAS recorder card. Though it’s not labeled as a SYSCON 4 recorder, it can be identified by the Wifi symbol in the upper right-hand corner and the record button on the left-hand lower corner (Figure 11).
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Figure 11: SCADAS Recorder SYSCON4 controller card also contains a recorder button (left) and a Wi-Fi symbol (right).

The ethernet port connects the frontend to a PC to perform data acquisition with Simcenter Testlab.

Tachometer channels measure RPM signals from rotating machinery (Figure 12).  Simcenter Testlab Signature uses the tachometer channels to track orders and create colormaps.
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Figure 12: Simcenter SCADAS Recorder SYSCON4 controller card also contains a recorder button (left) and a Wi-Fi symbol (right).
The cable for a tacho channel is a SCM-CAS06 cable (Figure 13) which is a 4 pin LEMO to BNC. To insert this cable, line up the red dot on the cable to the key slot in the frontend connector.
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Figure 13: The SCM-CAS06 cable is a 4 pin LEMO to BNC cable to connect to the tachometer inputs on a SCADAS SYSCON4.

Source channels are output channels as shown in Figure 14. Signals can be created or generated in Simcenter Testlab and used for example to drive shakers.
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Figure 14: The four pin connector labelled OUT contains two source signal generators.

The cable for a source channel is a SCM-CAS07 cable (Figure 15) which is a four pin LEMO to two BNCs. The cable is inserted the same way as the tachometer cables previously mentioned.
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Figure 15: The SCM-CAS07 cable is a 4 pin LEMO to two BNC cables.  It is used to generate two independent source signals.
The sync puts out an IRIG-B signal. When in use, the T2 tacho channel is not available as shown in Figure 16.
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Figure 16: When a SCADAS is equipped with an optional IRIG-B input, the second tachometer cannot be utilized.
The Wi-Fi feature (Figure 17) is used to communicate between the frontend and the control app on a tablet.
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Figure 17: The Wi-Fi input is used in conjunction with a tablet and the compact flash for recording without a PC.

To attach the antenna, screw it onto the input card carefully and then orient the antenna upwards as shown in Figure 18.
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Figure 18: The Wi-Fi antenna for SCADAS Recorder.
A GPS antenna (Figure 19) is provided for recording of GPS data. To attach the antenna, insert the cable to the input card. Once it is in all the way, it will click.
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Figure 18: The GPS antenna for Simcenter SCADAS Recorder.

The GPS can be used to record speed and location.

For a complete list of cables, see the article “SCADAS Cable clarifier guide”.

4. Acquisition Cards

A Simcenter SCADAS frame can contain different types of data acquisition cards.  Each type of card offers different functionality, for example, different sample rates and different signal conditioning in order to measure various physical quantities such as acceleration, voltage, temperature, strain, etc.

In this example the SCADAS frame contains a V24 card, a VB8III-RT card, and a V8E card (Figure 19). These are all labeled on the left-hand side of the card. To connect to transducers, eight cables are required for each card (standard on VB8III-RT and V8E, optional on V24).
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Figure 19: Simcenter SCADAS with V24, VB8III-RT, and V8E card.
These cards are described in more detail:

4.1 VB8III-RT Acquisition Card

VB8III-RT input cards (also referred to as VB8 cards) have 8 channels for universal NVH inputs with SCX-CAS03 cables (7 pin LEMO to BNC) or CAS04 cables (7 pin LEMO to bare wire) as shown in Figure 20.
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Figure 20: The SCX-CAS03 Cable (left) is seven pin LEMO to BNC.  The SCX-CAS04 Cable (right) is a seven pin LEMO to bare wire.
To plug the cable into the VB8III-RT card the cables must align properly with the inputs (Figure 21).

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Figure 21: The gray rectangle on the top of the card input (top) must align with the red dot on the cable connector (bottom).
Make sure the red dot on the adapter lines up with the grey rectangle on the input card and then insert. This will ensure that the two keys and the seven pins are aligned properly. This applies to both the BNC and bare wire cables.

Note that there are other SCADAS cables made for different cards with seven pin LEMO cables that do not fit in this card.  This is because they have one key as opposed to two. To avoid damage to the card and the cable, do not force the connection if the connector keys and input card slots do not align.

The VB8III-RT can be used to measure Voltage, ICP, and strain gauge inputs.

4.2 V24 Acquisition Card

The V24 input cards have eight LEMO connectors.  To convert from the LEMO connector to BNC inputs, a SCX-CAS14 cables (9 pin LEMO cables to 3 BNCs) is used as shown in Figure 22. These cards offer a total of 24 channels with three channels per connector.
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Figure 22: The SCM-CAS14 cable is a 9 pin LEMO to three BNC cables.
To plug in the cable to the input card, make sure that the red dot on the cable adapter lines up with the key slot and red dot on the input card before inserting the cable. This ensures proper alignment of the pins. Push the cable straight into the input card until it cannot go further.  A slight click should occur when properly inserted.

The input sensors can be ICP or Voltage based. Triaxial accelerometers are commonly used which measure acceleration in the X, Y, and Z directions.

4.3 V8 Acquisition Card

The V8 input cards have eight inputs with use SCX-CAS05 cables.  Each cable has a one pin LEMO to BNC connector as shown in Figure 23.
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Figure 23: The SCM-CAS05 cable is a one pin LEMO to single BNC cables.
The card can take a combination of eight voltage or ICP inputs. To plug in the cable to the card, align the adapter to the input card and push straight.
5. Grounding Cable
Also included is a grounding cable, a grounding pin, and a scouring washer (Figure 24).
The scouring washer is supposed to remove paint on the frontend to establish a good electrical connection.
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Figure 24: All Simcenter SCADAS units come with a grounding cable, a grounding pin, and a scouring washer.
One end of the cable goes onto the pin. The other end is supposed to be connected to a safety ground. Contact your building supervisor regarding this.
See the article “Ground Loops and Electrical Noise” about how to avoid electrical grounding issues.
6. Power Cable
In order to power on the Simcenter SCADAS frontend, it must have a power cable attached as shown in Figure 25.
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Figure 25: A Simcenter SCADAS power cord.

Insert this plug like the other cables. Align the red dot on the plug with the key slot on the input card and insert.
7. Connecting Simcenter Testlab and Simcenter SCADAS
To connect the Simcenter SCADAS to a computer, a network cable must be connected to the ethernet ports of both the frontend and the computer. Once this physical connection is made, the frontend can be turned on as shown in Figure 26.
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Figure 26: To turn on the Simcenter SCADAS, hold down the power button until the Ethernet port lights start to blink.
Press and hold the power button until the SCADAS Mobile lights turn on and the Ethernet port lights start to blink. There will be a solid amber light and a flashing green light on the ethernet port to indicate the ethernet connection is made between the frontend and the computer.
Open an acquisition module of Simcenter Testlab (for example: Simcenter Testlab Signature, Simcenter Testlab Impact Testing, …). The software will open with a gray screen indicating no project is active. Create a new project or open an existing project. The frontend will connect to the software, and the project will open as shown in Figure 27.
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Figure 27: Simcenter Testlab Acquisition Module with active project opened.
Go to the Acquisition Setup (or Scope) worksheet located at the bottom of the screen.  The Simcenter SCADAS will arm and data will stream as red lines in the Scope displays as shown in Figure 28.
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Figure 28: With a successful connection to the SCADAS, Simcenter Testlab will show red lines in the Scope or Acquisition Setup worksheet.
If a connection is not made between Simcenter Testlab and the Simcenter SCADAS, see the next sections.

8. Troubleshooting: IP Address

If a connection is not made, an error message will pop up giving options to work offline, retry, open a help dialog, or exit Simcenter Testlab as shown in Figure 29.
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Figure 29: If a connection is not made between Simcenter Testlab and the Simcenter SCADAS, the “Testlab failed to make a connection…” message is shown.
If there are issues connecting to the frontend, the DHCP static address may be set incorrectly. To change these settings, open the “Network and Internet Settings” of the computer. In Windows, under “Change Your Network Settings”, then click on the “Change adapter options” (Figure 30).
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Figure 30: Select “Change adaptor options” in the “Change your Network settings” dialog of Windows.
In the “Change adaptor options”:
  • Select the option that corresponds with the network connection for the frontend. Right click and choose properties.
  • Select the option that says “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on “Properties”.
  • Choose the option to Use the following IP address. In the box for the IP address, type (Figure 31).
  • Click in the box below it for Subnet mask which should auto populate to  
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Figure 31: Set the IP Address to in TCP/IPv4 Properties.
Click OK and the connection should be made.  This can be verified by running the Frontend Connection Tool.

Click on the Simcenter Testlab icon from the Windows start menu. Open the “Tools” folder, and then open the “Frontend Connection Tool” (Figure 32).
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Figure 32: Frontend Connection Tool is found in the Tools folder of Simcenter Testlab.

For normal configuration with one ethernet connection to the Simcenter SCADAS, make sure “Classic single online connection” is selected. If using a master-master configuration, where a network switch connects to multiple SCADAS units, the “Network multiple online connection” should be selected.

9. Troubleshooting: Hardware Diagnostics

If there are still issues, it is good to run a “Hardware Diagnostics” report before contacting Siemens GTAC support

Here’s how to do it. Hardware diagnostics can be run from the start menu by going to Start, Simcenter Hardware Diagnostics, SCADAS diagnostics or from the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Simcenter\Hardware Diagnostics. The file is an executable file called “Simcenter SCADAS Diagnostics”.

Double click to open the “SCADAS Diagnostics” menu (Figure 33). The SCADAS information should already be filled out in the Device section since the frame is already connected to the computer. Check all the boxes in the Diagnostic Test and reports section and click the “Start” button.
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Figure 33: Simcenter SCADAS Diagnostics menu.
As each part of the diagnostics is completed, a green bubble will appear next to the checkbox to indicate what part it is working on. The progress status will be shown at the bottom of the window.

Once the diagnostics gets to the last checkbox, Analog verification, the program will go through all the channels of the frame to make sure they work. While each one is being tested, a red and green blinking light appears above the channel.

Once the diagnostics are complete, the bottom will say "Ready Reporting Version Information". Click on the button that says "View Report". A file will appear in the directory called “Simcenter Diagnostics” (path is shown at bottom of menu).  The report names contain the date and time they were run.

This report shows all the types of cards in the frame as well as their status. Send the full report to Siemens Support Center.

The user manual is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Simcenter\Testlab 2019.1\central\Help on all computers with Simcenter Testlab installed.

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KB Article ID# KB000044461_EN_US



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