Simcenter Testlab Neo features a pivot table to make data navigation faster and more transparent.
Figure 1: The pivot table, highlighted in yellow.
As opposed to a flat data structure (like navigating in windows explorer), the pivot table enables data to be viewed in a more compact and detailed way.
In Figure 2, below, the same block is navigated to using a pivot table (left) vs a flat data structure (right).
Figure 2: Navigating the pivot table vs navigating a flat data structure.
It is almost twice as fast to navigate to the data using the pivot table.
This article will cover:
Displaying Data
Data Views
Saving Custom Views
Narrow Headers
1. Displaying Data
The pivot table, in combination with the automatic preview display, offers a quick way to view data. Simply click on an item in the data tree to the far left to populate the pivot table. Then click within the pivot table to populate the automatic preview display.
Figure 3: Populate the pivot table by clicking on an item in the data tree. Populate the automatic preview display by clicking in the pivot table.
Multiple items can be selected in the pivot table by pressing “CTRL” and multi-selecting.
The numbers in the pivot table represent how many data blocks are available. For example, in Figure 4, below, there are three overall level blocks with the DOF ID of “Driver:S”.
Figure 4: The values in the pivot table represent the number of data blocks.
It is possible to further filter and sort the data to get a better understanding of what data composes the pivot table.
2. Filtering
To parse the data faster, it is possible to add filters and sorting parameters to the pivot table. To add a filter to the pivot table, press the filter icon in the top left of the pivot table. Then, add an attribute (or multiple) to filter with (Figure 5, below).
Figure 5: Add filters to the pivot table to parse the data.
To activate the filter, press the filter icon to the right of the attribute name and select the desired filtering parameters.
After pressing “OK” the filter settings are applied, and the filter box is closed.
3. Sorting
It is also possible to add additional sorting to the pivot table. This offers more detail as well as additional filtering capability.
The additional sorting capability enables the pivot table to be adapted to a user’s specific needs. The sorting parameters can be applied to either the rows or the columns of the table.
Figure 6: Additional sorting parameters can be used to offer a more detailed view of the data, or to apply additional filters to the data.
Click the “+” over the row or column header to open the selection box. Select an attribute and press “Add”.
Repeat for as many sorting parameters as desired.
Figure 7: Add sorting parameters by pressing the “+” and selecting the desired attributes.
It is possible to delete or reorder the sorting parameters.
To delete a sorting parameter, click the “x” next to the parameter.
To rearrange the sorting parameters, grab the “bar” icon, and drag the parameters in order of desired sorting sequence.
Figure 8: Rearrange the sorting order by clicking and dragging the attributes.
The columns will automatically rearrange themselves.
It is also possible to filter with these additional parameters.
Figure 9: Filter using the sorting parameters. For example, filter to only include data from certain runs.
The filter icon will turn to black when a filter is being applied. Otherwise it will be gray.
4. Data Views
It is possible to change the view with which the data is presented by selecting a different layout in the “Views” box.
There are many pre-defined layouts to choose from, in addition to any custom layouts the user makes.
Figure 10: The views box enables the user to change the way data is presented.
By default, the view is set to “DOFID vs Function”.
Another useful is the “DOFID vs Creator” view. This shows the results based on the methods which created them. In the image below, the column headers on the pivot table match the methods that were used to process the data.
Figure 11: View the pivot table in the “DOFID vs Creator” view.
The “Name” view can also be useful.
Selecting “Name” returns the view to the same flat data view as Simcenter Testlab.
This view is useful when looking at mode shapes as they will not show up in a pivot table view.
Figure 12: To view mode shapes, select the “Name” option from the “Views” toolset.
5. Saving Custom Views
It is possible to save a custom view so that it can be applied to the pivot table later. This is especially useful after desired filters and sorting parameters are added.
To save a view, go to the view manager and press the drop down icon.
Then, select “Save View As…” and give the view a custom name.
Figure 13: Save a custom view so that it can be used again.
The view can be opened and applied in other projects.
6. Narrow Headers
If many sorting parameters are added, the column headers may require a lot of space. Click on the gear wheel in the upper right corner of the window and select Narrow Headers.
Figure 14: Switch to Narrow Headers to increase the visual real estate on the screen.
Enjoy the functionality and ease of navigating data using the pivot table.