Simcenter Testlab: Breakpoint Table Generator




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Want to create a control target profile from measured vibration data?

Try using the Breakpoint Table Generator to quickly create a reference profile by tracing on-top of measured data. The Breakpoint Table Generator tool is included with Simcenter Testlab.

0.pngA reference profile overlaid on measured data.

Typically, measured data is simplified to create the target vibration profile for the shaker to control. It will be broken into a finite number of control points and RMS scaling will be applied.

The Breakpoint Table Generator allows users to trace a simple reference profile on-top of measured data:

To do this:

1. Before opening the breakpoint generator tool, there must be an autopower in the input basket of Simcenter Testlab. Right click on the desired autopower and select “Replace in Input Basket” (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Add the measured data to the input basket.

2. Open the “Breakpoint Generator Tool”. It can be found in the main Testlab menu under “Tools”. Then select “Breakpoint Table Generator” (Figure 2).

Figure 2: Open the Testlab Programs menu. Select “Tools” and the “Breakpoint Table Generator”.

3. Upon opening the Breakpoint Generator Tool, the curve in the input basket will automatically import (Figure 3).

Figure 3: The curve in the input basket automatically loads into the Breakpoint Table Generator.

4. Use the cross-hair cursor to identify where the breakpoints in the profile should be. After identifying a location, press the “Add Point to Table” button. Repeat until all desired points are added (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Use the cross-hair cursors to identify where breakpoints should be located. Use the “Add Points to Table” button to add each breakpoint to the table.

5. Press the “Accept Table” button.

Figure 5: Click “Accept Table” once all breakpoints are selected.


6. It is possible to re-scale the profile to achieve a target RMS level. For example, enter a value of 1.0g and then press the “Rescale” button. Notice the reference profile level is now much higher.

Figure 6: Enter a target RMS level and press “Rescale”.


7. It is possible to save the profile into the open project. Enter a “Folder name” and then press “Save Data” (Figure 7). A folder will be created in the open project in the active section. Then the profile can be loaded into the Random Setup workbook.

Figure 7: If desired, save the breakpoint table to the project.

8. It is also possible to copy to breakpoint table to the clipboard and paste it into the reference profile editor. Ensure that the appropriate test-type radio button is selected. Then press “Copy Points to Clipboard” (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Select the appropriate test type and select “Copy Points to Clipboard”.


9. Enter the reference profile editor for the vibration control workbook. Right click into the upper left cell and select “Paste” (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Enter the reference profile editor and paste in the copied values.

The Breakpoint Table Generator makes creating reference profiles simple!


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KB Article ID# KB000043942_EN_US



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