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Transducer Electronic Data Sheets (TEDS) uses an electronic chip that is integrated into a sensor. This chip contains the information that would typically be provided on a paper calibration sheet:
The TEDS equipped transducer is simply plugged into the acquisition system, and all the information is read into the software. Talk about making life easier!
Some benefits that come from using TEDS include:
This article explains how to use TEDS enable transducers with Simcenter Testlab software and Simcenter SCADAS hardware. It has the following sections:
1. Introduction to TEDS1. Introduction to TEDS
TEDS calibration sheets conform to a template that is suited to a broad range of sensor types. This means that all critical sensor information can be input into the TEDS template. The TEDS standards are defined in the IEEE 1451 standard.
This standardized template means that any data acquisition system that is capable of reading TEDS can access this information and assign it to the relevant fields when doing data acquisition.
Some information that is contained on a TEDS:
Some types of transducers that are TEDS compatible include:
Not every transducer is TEDS enabled. It requires an extra electronic chip for storing the information. Typically, during yearly calibration, the information on the chip is updated.
2. TEDS in Simcenter Testlab with ICP Transducers
To simplify channel setup of piezoelectric (ICP and IEPE) based transducers, it is possible to use TEDS transducers. See this forum post for more information about ICP and IEPE piezoelectric transducers.
To read the TEDS information in Simcenter Testlab, perform the following steps:
2.1 Plug In
After verifying that the transducer has TEDS enabled, plug the TEDS based transducer into the Simcenter SCADAS acquisition system as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: TEDS enabled microphone plugged into SCADAS XS.
Make sure the corresponding input mode of the channels are set to “ICP” in the Simcenter Testlab software.
2.2 Channel Setup worksheet
Switch to the Channel Setup worksheet. In the upper right, select the “Channel Setup” drop-down menu, and select to “Read TEDS” (Figure 2).
Figure 2: In the upper right of Channel Setup worksheet, switch from “Channel Setup” to “Read Teds”.
Now the TEDS sensor information can be read.
2.3 Reading TEDS
In the TEDS pane (Figure 3), click the “Refresh” button (1). The system will read the TEDS information in and populate the table on the left.
Figure 3: After pressing the “Refresh” button (1), highlight the TEDS channels of interest (2), and then press “Insert” (3) to accept the result.
Select the TEDS channel(s) of interest by clicking on the row number (2) on the right side of the screen. The corresponding data channels will be highlighted on the left side. Press “INSERT” button (3) to copy the TEDS calibration information from the sensor into the Channel Setup.
Note that both the destination channel (left side) and the TEDS channel (right side) must be selected for the INSERT operation to work.
It is not mandatory to read all available TEDS transducers. The menu is purposely designed to allow the user to select a subset of the available TEDS enabled sensors.
2.4 Back to Channel Setup
When finished, flip back to the “Channel Setup” view to hide the TEDS pane (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Switch back to Channel Setup view from Read TEDS view.
The default channel view will be restored.
2.5 Verify TEDS was read correctly
TEDS will fill in critical information like transducer model number, calibration sensitivity, serial number, etc (Figure 5).
Figure 5: After reading TEDS, the transducer information is updated in the Channel Setup worksheet.
Take a moment to make sure the information was read properly.
3. TEDS in Simcenter Testlab with non-ICP Transducers
By default in Simcenter Testlab, TEDS will only read on channels with the ICP mode activated. When working with non-ICP transducers, like polarized microphones or load cells, the following step should be done before using the previously outlined steps:
3.1 Channel Setup Visibility
In the Channel Setup worksheet, go to “Tools -> Channel Setup Visibility” (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Select “Tools -> Channel Setup Visibility” in the Channel Setup worksheet.
This will open the Channel Setup Visibility menu.
3.2 Find the “Read TEDS” field
In the “Channel Setup Visibility” window, find the “Read TEDS” field from the “Source field names” list on the left (Figure 7).
Figure 7: In the “Channel Setup Visibility” menu, move the “Read TEDS” field from the “Source field names” to the “Selected Fields column”.
Choose the “Add” button or the “Insert After/Before” button to move the “Read TEDS” field to the left side.
3.3 Switch from “ICP-Only” to “On”
Switch the “Read TEDS” field from “ICP-Only” to “On” as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: After the “Read TEDS” field has been added to the Channel Setup, switch the setting to “On” to use non-ICP transducers like polarized microphones and load cells.
Now TEDS can also be used with non-ICP transducers
4. Other TEDS Usage Considerations
There are some common-sense precautions when using TEDS to be aware of:
Enjoy the simplicity of using TEDS!
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