Simcenter Testlab: Webkey Account Creation
This article explains how to setup a WebKey Account.
Open a web browser and go to
Siemens Support Center
Under Support Links, click on “Need an account? Register now.” in the bottom left corner.
Select the tab "I need a New Siemens Account".
Fill in the information. A email will be sent to confirm the information.
After verifying your identity, you will be prompted for a Sold-To ID (also called Site ID) and Webkey Access Code.
The Sold-To ID and Webkey Access Code can be found at the top of your license file.
The default location for a license file is C:\Program Data\lms\licensing.
An email will be sent to the email address you provided to finish activating your WebKey account.
Check the spam folder if it is not immediately found.
Once your WebKey Account is created, you can
download the Simcenter Testlab software
, access software tutorials, and access support.
If you run into problems during this process, please contact us at the appropriate phone number listed on
Siemens Support Center
and have your sold-to ready. The phone number for North America is 1-800-955-0000.
Simcenter Testlab Installation
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Simcenter Testlab 2021: Setting Up the Help or Manual Documentation Server
Simcenter Testlab 2019: Download and Software Installation
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Simcenter 3D Driver for Simcenter Testlab
Simcenter Testlab: Webkey Account Creation
KB Article ID# KB000043729_EN_US
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