How to efficiently manage Simcenter Amesim libraries within Teamcenter




Re-usability, collaboration, lifecycle management are increasingly important when working with Simcenter Amesim models. To be more efficient when creating new models or re-using validated subsystems, the libraries and supercomponent facilities are more and more used. They allow users to easily package subsystems together and guarantee the IP protection through the encryption mechanism.


Being able to manage those libraries within Teamcenter is a critical functionality allowing you to:

  • Guarantee that the libraries are securely stored on a server maintained by your IT
  • Ease the deployment of those libraries for your model authors (single source of truth)
  • Ensure the right level of access to the components
  • Integrate with your IT infrastructure

In the latest versions, Simcenter Amesim reinforces its integration with Teamcenter. With the revision capabilities of Teamcenter, you are also able to maintain several versions of your Simcenter Amesim libraries within Teamcenter.


This article shows how to manage different versions of your Simcenter Amesim libraries within Teamcenter. You will see how the direct integration of Teamcenter capabilities within Simcenter Amesim allows you to streamline your workflow.

To do this, we will:

  • Save a Simcenter Amesim library from version 16 into Teamcenter
  • Create a new revision for new changes
  • Update the library to version 17 using the Library Update Assistant
  • Save this new version into Teamcenter


Step-by-step guide

The first step will consist in saving your Simcenter Amesim library within Teamcenter.

You will go into the category path list and select "save":


2018-11-22 11_04_38-Simcenter Amesim - [C__Users_msiy4w_Documents_03_AMETest_06_SysDM_11_WS_local_El.png


Then you will navigate in the Teamcenter Active Workspace window to save the library within Teamcenter.

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Now you can see the status icon directly within Simcenter Amesim.


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Now that this library is managed within Teamcenter, you could completely remove it from your computer by clicking "delete". If you are done working with it you can safely delete it: this library is now completely managed within Teamcenter.


To re-work it you simply need to go back in this path list window and select "get" to access this library from Teamcenter.


To update this library to Simcenter Amesim 17 you will get this library from Teamcenter and you will create a new revision (revision B) for your new version of the library.

You select then "get", navigate through the Teamcenter Active Workspace window which pops-up automatically and hit the "revise" button.


2018-11-22 11_26_18-Get Simcenter Amesim Library.png


After that, you can check-out revision B of your library.

The new version of this library is then downloaded into your local workspace defined in the Simcenter Amesim preferences.


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The next step is a pure Simcenter Amesim step consisting in updating the library through the standard Library Update Assistant.

Since version 15, the Library Update Assistant will update the library in place. This simplifies greatly managing Simcenter Amesim libraries with model lifecycle management tools like Teamcenter or Simcenter Sysdm.


You go in "tools" > "Library Update Assistant", where you can simply update your library to Simcenter Amesim 17.


2018-11-22 11_35_59-Library update assistant.png


After updating the library and pressing on “sync status” button in the path list dialog, we can see that there are ongoing changes with a dedicated icon. You simply need to right-click on the library and check-in the changes.


2018-11-22 11_38_32-Path List.png


The "check-in" action will allow you to upload your changes to the Teamcenter server and release a lock implicitly telling other users that you are not working on it anymore. Version 17 of this library is available to all other users.


You could download both revisions of the libraries if, for example, you need to rebuild models using the old library.


Interesting to note that in the latest version of Simcenter Amesim (version 17) you can manipulate older versions of Simcenter Amesim libraries (e.g. version 16) to upload them to Teamcenter, create new revisions...



To summarize we can see that the direct connection between Simcenter Amesim and Teamcenter simplifies the management of the Simcenter Amesim libraries within Teamcenter. You can manage different versions of one library in a simplified way. The changes made are also transparent for the other Teamcenter users of this library. This connection to Teamcenter is essential when you need to keep a history of the library which happens to be critical in most industries to maintain a traceability over the Simcenter Amesim models.


Want to see how it works? Watch this video:




KB Article ID# KB000042897_EN_US



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