Simcenter Testlab Displays: Coupled Cursors and Coupled Limits




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Working with data across multiple displays? Looking for trends between them? These Simcenter Testlab (formerly called LMS Test.Lab) coupled cursor and coupled display limit tips will make life easy.

Coupled Cursors

Want to check if there is a common frequency peak across multiple measurements?

Right click on the display and choose “Add Coupled Cursor -> Hz” to get a cursor that moves in sync across multiple displays.

Picture 1: To add coupled cursor to multiple displays, right click in display and choose "Coupled Cursor -> Hz"

Hint: Hold down the CONTROL key while you right click on the display to always get the cursor menu.

Coupled Limits: Method #1

To set common limits, double click on the X-axis to get the “X Fixed Limits” dialog box.

Picture 2: To make the limits on several displays the same at one time, double click on the limits and choose "Apply to all Hz compatible axes"

Check on the “Apply to all Hz compatible axes” to set all limits at once on all the displays.

Coupled Limits: Method #2

Click on the upper right display tab and turn on “Coupled Limits”.

Picture 3: To allow dynamic zoom on the X and Y limits of multiple displays, click on upper right tab and choose "Coupled Limits"

Now when using the dynamic zoom in the displays, all displays will automatically update. No need to press a "OK" button.

Picture 4: To perform dynamic zoom, click and drag within display.

To dynamic zoom in the display, do the following:

  • Click and drag from left to right to zoom on the X-axis
  • Click and drag from top to bottom to zoom on the Y-axis
  • Click and drag diagonally to zoom on both the X-axis and Y-axis simultaneously
  • Use Backspace to undo the zoom (will do multiple undos)

Picture 5: After zooming in within display, the BACKSPACE key is used to "un-zoom".

Coupled cursors and coupled limits works on all displays, not just 2D frontback displays. For example, this works with colormaps and 2D displays.

Picture 6: Coupled limits and coupled cursors also work with different types of displays, for example colormaps and 2D displays.

Enjoy these display tips!


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KB Article ID# KB000042698_EN_US



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