How to setup Pageant to run at Startup and load your private key automatically



This article describes how to setup Pageant to run at Startup and load your private key automatically on a windows machine.


When a password less ssh connection is setup on a Windows machine using Putty, the user must start Pageant and load the private key manually every time. This can be automated by following the setup described below.

  1. Launch Windows Run prompt and open shell:startup

  1. The startup folder for the current user should be open now

  2. Create a shortcut by right-clicking in the folder and browse in the executable of Pageant.

  3. Edit the properties of the Shortcut, by appending the location of the private key to the Target, as shown below. If there are multiple private keys, just append them one after the other.  

             "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\pageant.exe" "C:\Users \Documents\privatekey.ppk" "C:\Users \Documents\privatekey2.ppk"

  1. Just to verify if this shortcut works, double-click on it to see if Pageant starts running with the private key loaded.

Note: This only works when the private key doesn’t have a password.

KB Article ID# KB000038862_EN_US



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