Simcenter Testlab Neo: Displays




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Simcenter Testlab Neo features new and improved display functionality. Enjoy increased plotting efficiency thanks to a preview display and easy editing of displays.

This article will highlight Neo display functionality, tips, and tricks.

     1. Pivot Table: Brief Introduction
     2. Adjusting the Viewing Area
     3. Preview Display Options
3.1 Preview Display
               3.2 Multi-trace
               3.3 Display Memory
               3.4 Resetting a Display
     4. User Defined Displays
      5. Custom Displays / Editing Displays

1. Pivot Table: Brief Introduction

Simcenter Testlab Neo employs a pivot table for more compact and accessible data viewing.
The pivot table provides detailed attribute information in a compact format (while a list only shows a flat structure of the data).

For example, in Figure 1, below, the pivot table (highlighted in orange) shows a matrix of all available DOF IDs versus the data available for each DOF ID (autopowers, orders, time data, etc.).  

To populate the pivot table, make a selection in the data tree (far left). Below, the “eROD Chassis 2” folder is selected. Therefore, the pivot table is populated with data from that folder.  

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Figure 1: The pivot table shows both the DOF ID and the function class in this example.

The pivot table is not the only way to view data. Other viewing options are available in the “Views” section of the tools ribbon. The traditional “list view” can be accessed by clicking “Name”. 
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Figure 2: Explore other data viewing options by making a selection in the “Views” tool group.

The pivot table makes finding and viewing data fast and easy. Learn more about the Pivot Table in the article "Simcenter Testlab Neo: Pivot Table".

2. Adjusting the Viewing Area

Simcenter Testlab Neo strives to be as flexible as possible. Therefore, it is easy to move panes around the screen.

Panes are essentially “subsections” of the software.

For example, in the screenshot below there are thee panes:
  • Data selection
  • Properties
  • Display
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Figure 3: Panes in Simcenter Testlab Neo.

It is possible to move the panes to better suit each user’s needs.

To do so, go to “File -> Option” and uncheck “Fixed Pane Layout”.

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Figure 4: Turn off “Fixed Pane Layout” for more flexibility over the pane layouts.

Once fixed pane layout is turned off, it is possible to grab a pane header and drag it around the screen.

Try moving the display pane to the right side of the screen to increase display real estate.

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Figure 5: Move panes around the screen. Minimize panes.
It is also possible to maximize and restore panes.

To maximize a display to full screen, double-click on the pane header. To restore the display, double-click again.

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Figure 6: Double-click the display pane header to maximize or restore its size.
To return the layout to the factory default, press the “Restore” button as shown in Figure 7.
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Figure 7: Press the “Restore” button to return the pane layout to factory default.
NOTE: Moving panes, minimizing, maximizing, and restoring will only work if “Fixed Pane Layout” is turned off (Figure 4, above).

3. Preview Display Options
3.1 Preview Display

Simcenter Testlab Neo features an automatic preview display.

This display automatically previews whatever is selected in the data area (pivot tree, list view, etc).
The pivot table combined with the preview display is an extremely powerful and speedy way to view data. 

Click on a data block and the appropriate display type is created, containing the selected data.

It is possible to display a single function or multiple functions in the display (of the same or different types).
Click on one or multiple blocks of to populate the preview display.
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Figure 8: Click on one or multiple blocks of data to populate the preview display.
NOTE: It is possible to multi-select within the pivot table by holding down the Control or Shift key.

3.2 Multi-trace

If multiple time traces are displayed, a multi-trace display will be used.

Press and hold either the Control or Shift key to make a multi-selection.
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Figure 9: Use the Control or Shift key to multi select data. Press “Shift+O” to overlay or separate the traces.

 To overlay the time traces, press “Shift+O” on the keyboard. To separate them, press “Shift+O” again.

3.3 Display Memory

Once changes are made to the preview display, Testlab Neo will remember these changes and apply them to future preview displays.

For example, a user may always want pressure-based orders to display with dB amplitude format.
After displaying a pressure-based order in the preview display, change the unit to dB. The software will remember this change. The next time an order is opened that has units of pressure, the amplitude format will be in dB.

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Figure 10: Display memory ensures that users view data with their desired formatting preferences.

However, users may want to restore the defaults to a display.

3.4 Resetting a Display

After making changes to the limits or display format, it is possible to reset the display.

After zooming in or out on a display, it is sometimes desired to reset the display limits.

This can be achieved by pressing the “Reset Limits” button in the “Display” portion of the “Home” tool ribbon.

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Figure 11: Instantly set all axes limits to “Optimized” by clicking the “Reset Limits” button.

This will restore all axes limits to “Optimized”.

It is also possible to restore the format settings (such as font size, curve color, etc.).

To do this, go under the plot menu and select “Reset Settings” to return to the default display settings.

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Figure 12: Restore all format settings using “Rest Settings” under the plot menu.

All plot settings will return to the default.

4. User Defined Displays

It is also possible to create a user defined display. To access the display list, press the plus sign at the end of the display tabs to view the display options.

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Figure 13: Click the plus sign to view the display layout options.

Users will see the standard list of display options as well as “Other” displays. “Other” displays include custom display layouts and multi-picture displays.

To add data to a user defined display, click and drag a block of data in the data selection into the display.

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Figure 14: Drag and drop data from the Data Selection pane into a display.

It is also possible to create custom displays.

5. Custom Displays / Editing Displays

It is possible to create custom displays.

Custom displays can be created both from the preview display as well as the user defined displays.  
Custom display options include:
  • Displays with multiple pictures
  • Displays with mixed plot types
  • Displays with custom formatting (such as curve styles, font sizes, etc.)
To create a custom display, open the display menu and select “Edit”. This can be done on either the preview display or a user defined display.
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Figure 15: Click “Edit” to open the display editor.

This will enable editing the display.  From here it is possible to add or delete pictures, move the pictures around, and change the sizing and layout of the pictures. 
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Figure 16: The ribbon of buttons will allow adding new pictures to the display or changing the orientation of the display.

To add a new picture, click on a picture icon and drag it into the display. Repeat to add as many pictures as desired.

It is also possible to change the orientation of the display (flip rows and columns) and to resize the displays.

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Figure 17: Add new pictures, change the orientation, and adjust the size before saving the new display.

An example of a custom display is shown in Figure 18, below.
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Figure 18: Example of a custom layout created in Simcenter Testlab Neo.

These custom displays can be saved by going into the plot menu and selecting “Save as Layout”.
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Figure 19: Save a custom display by pressing “Save as Layout”.

The custom display can be accessed in the “Other” portion of the display menu.
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Figure 20: Custom displays will be in the “Other” tab of the display menu.
NOTE: It is also possible to drag around existing pictures in a display. This might be helpful if a user wants to edit the automatically generated preview display or make an adjustment to an existing layout. 
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Figure 21: Adjust existing displays with the display editor tool.

Custom display formats can be shared between users.

Enjoy the flexible and interactive displays that are possible in Simcenter Testlab Neo!

Questions? Email or contact Siemens Support Center.

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