Can I view data in Google Earth?




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Question:  I have a GPS on my Simcenter SCADAS,  Can I plot my speed and location in Google Earth?

Answer: Yes, you can! You just need to export your Simcenter Testlab (
formerly LMS Test.Lab) GPS data into a KML file.

A KML file (or Keyhole Markup Language) contains GPS co-ordinates. A KML file can be used with Google Earth to visualize the location a measurement was taken with a GPS equipped Simcenter SCADAS data acquisition unit.


To export, right click on the Throught LDSF file and choose "Export to -> GPS -> KML..."

Exporting GPS KML File to Google Earth

To produce a KML file from Simcenter Testlab, select a measurement containing GPS:

  1. Right click and choose “Export to -> GPS -> KML...” Name your file.

  2. Double click on the KML file to open in Google Earth

Double click on the KML file to open it in Google Earth

Setting Up GPS on Simcenter SCADAS

GPS data can be recorded on a Simcenter SCADAS in parallel with all other types of channels (ie, accelerometers, microphones, strain gauges, etc) in Simcenter Testlab Signature:

  • Insert the GPS antenna into the appropriate connector on your Simcenter SCADAS. Note: In a motor vehicle, the antenna receiver can be placed on a dashboard to properly see satellites. It is not necessary to put it on the roof and run the cable through a door, despite the fact that it has a magnetic base. This can save the antenna cable from being damaged by the opening and closing of the door.

Plug the GPS antenna directly into the appropriate port on your Simcenter SCADAS. It is a single connection

  • In Simcenter Testlab, on the “Channel Setup” Worksheet, set “Clock Sync:” from “None” to “GPS”

In "Channel Setup" worksheet, set "Clock sync:" to "GPS" in the upper right corner.

  • In the “Measure” Worksheet, click on the “More…” button

Press the "More..." button in the Measure worksheet

  • Turn on the checkbox for "Measure GPS Data" and press the "Close" button.

Turn on checkbox for "Collect GPS Data"

Google Maps inside Simcenter Testlab

Starting with Simcenter Testlab 2021.1 and higher, it is also possible to view Google Map data as a backdrop on displays within Simcenter Testlab and Simcenter Testlab Neo.

User-added image
Google Map as display backdrop in Simcenter Testlab Neo

To use this feature, contact the Siemens Support Center (or your Siemens salesperson) for a free license and plug-in.  The feature is not distributed by default due to export considerations in various countries.  The google map feature also requires a internet connection to work.

KML File History

The KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file is named after Keyhole corporation, which was a commercial spinoff of the CIA. Google bought Keyhole in 2004.


Questions? Email or contact Siemens Support Center.


Simcenter Testlab Acquisition Tips

Simcenter Testlab Displays

KB Article ID# KB000034418_EN_US



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