using the -jvmargs tag you can check the default java heap size when launching STAR-CCM+
The java heap size can vary depending on the operating system of the client. This could cause issues with java exceptions when running a macro on one system or in batch mode, which worked on a different operating system.
Linux “Path_to_install”/star/bin starccm+ -jvmargs -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | grep MaxHeapSize
Windows In command prompt from “Path_to_Install”\star\bin starccm+.exe -jvmargs -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal | find "MaxHeapSize"
The examples show that the Windows system has significantly higher Max Heap Size than the Linux system. To adjust/increase the amount of Java Heap Size when launching STAR-CCM+ please see the following article: When would I need to increase the Java heap size and how do I do this?.