Could I check the architecture used in creating a STAR-CCM+ file without opening it?



getting information of STAR-CCM+ version without opening the software


Opening a sim file could be very time consuming just make sure that you are using the right

version number to open the file. A quick an easy procedure is done via command-line using the -info

command-line flag, cf. STAR-CCM+ help:


Home > Client-Server Setup > Command-Line Reference


Lets assume the .sim file you want to check is called: model.sim


Under LINUX:


starccm+  -info model.sim


Output could be for example:


Simcenter STAR-CCM+ 2406 (19.04.007) (linux-x86_64-2.28/gnu11.4) Serial 42.52 MB  Step 7605 Time 7.6 Iter 190125

The program gives additional info on memory, if the run was serial or parallel, the number of iterations and version used for creating the simulation.


Open a windows command prompt (cmd.exe) and type the same command:


starccm+ -info model.sim


Here it is assumed that the user has adequately set-up the PATH variable so Windows can find where the starccm+ executable is.

The output is identical as in linux.

You can do the same check graphically by clicking the Query button. Just click File > Load Simulation, select the simulation you want to check and press the Query button.

See image below:

KB Article ID# KB000033094_EN_US



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