The following method can be useful when you require by default a specific license configuration (for example Power Session or PoD), or a parallel configuration (such as all cores of your machine).
Locate the entry found under:
where "STAR-CCM+.XX.YY.ZZZ" should reflect the version of the code for which you want to customize the launch process.
Taking for example version 2021.3 (which internally is 16.06.008), by default the value shows:
"C:\Program Files\Siemens\16.06.008\STAR-CCM+16.06.008\star\lib\win64\intel20.1vc14.2\lib\starccmw.exe" "%1"
"C:\Program Files\Siemens\16.06.008\STAR-CCM+16.06.008\star\lib\win64\intel20.1vc14.2\lib\starccmw.exe" -power -np 4 "%1"
By opening a sim file by double-click, the output shows that the options are taken into account: